Corporate Wellness Programs

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Virtual
Hello there, I hope that all is well with you. The CDC lists Obesity and other chronic diseases as risk factors for COVID 19. Now is the best...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Virtual
Hello there, I hope that all is well with you. The CDC lists Obesity and other chronic diseases as risk factors for COVID 19. Now is the best time to be...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Health Screenings, Educational classes, Virtual
Hello there, I hope that all is well with you. The CDC lists Obesity and other chronic diseases as risk factors for COVID 19. Now is the best time to be...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, Virtual

I love to inspire positive change.
I don’t believe in diets.
I believe in living a balanced life.
I will meet you where you’re at.
I will ask questions.
I will hold you accountable. 
I will guide you towards manageable behavioral shifts.
You will come to understand and be given the tools to break the patterns that stand between the you where you are now and the you where you want to be.


Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Virtual
This one hour session with Skip includes easy, simple and practical tools to help you with stress & anxiety. Skip guides you through an awareness exercise...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Virtual
What are you wanting for your physical/mental health right now? Is it... Better eating habits? Motivation to exercise regularly? Permanent weight loss?...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Discover the power of breathwork to reawaken your innate wisdom and cultivate a heart-centered life. Session theme will be adapted to meet your needs (e.g.,...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Experience different breath patterns that can be used throughout your day to reset your body, relax, create energy, focus, or clear out stuck emotions that...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30 minutes but can be extended, Group classes, Virtual
Through Yoga and Meditation Sessions, Natalie leads 30-minute, virtual classes via Zoom to help employees begin their day feeling grounded, energized, and...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 5 days, Virtual
Five Days of Restoration, Balance, and Strength!

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30-minutes, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Adding Guided Group Meditation to your wellness program will help your associates manage their stress, increase productivity, and find peace of mind. Jerry...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30-minutes, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Similar to guided meditation, these sessions lead your team through different breathing techniques from the yoga tradition to create certain lasting effects...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30-minutes, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Practiced laying down on a yoga mat (or blanket), Jerry helps to reprogram the accumulation of tension in the physical body and stress of the mind. These...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 90 minutes, Educational classes, Group classes, Virtual
Hello and welcome! My name is Charlene Correia and I am an Accredited Certified Health and Wellness Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, ...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 90 minutes, Educational classes, Group classes, Virtual
Hello and welcome! My name is Charlene Correia and I am an Accredited Certified Health and Wellness Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, ...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 90 minutes, Educational classes, Group classes, Virtual
Hello and welcome! My name is Charlene Correia and I am an Accredited Certified Health and Wellness Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, ...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30-minutes, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Limitations to yoga classes in the office include: 1) having space and 2) changing clothes. Jerry has adapted a style of yoga practice that allows...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Help your team experience greater clarity and wellbeing through breathwork. Session themes are centered on the needs of your group - relaxation, clarity,...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Adding yoga classes to your wellness program will help your team to unwind and manage stress, all while supporting their physical wellness. Jerry's careful...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, Group classes, Educational classes, Virtual
Are you looking to offer your team a Mindfulness Routine, or the opportunity to learn about Wellness, but not sure where to start? In Natalie’s webinar...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Virtual
Would you like to create a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce while saving on health care expenses? "The Power of Whole Food Plant-Based...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 90 minutes, Educational classes, Group classes, Virtual
Hello and welcome! My name is Charlene Correia and I am an Accredited Certified Health and Wellness Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, ...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 90 minutes, Educational classes, Group classes, Virtual
Hello and welcome! My name is Charlene Correia and I am an Accredited Certified Health and Wellness Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, ...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 90 minutes, Educational classes, Group classes, Virtual
Hello and welcome! My name is Charlene Correia and I am an Accredited Certified Health and Wellness Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, ...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Educational classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Unblocking Your Creativity explores the Creative Process from a philosophical and psychological lens, using both Eastern and Western models of...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Educational classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Based on the book  Essential Pranayama  this guided breathwork practice includes a breakdown of breathwork from the yogic perspective, taking into...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Educational classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
In our busy and distracting world, it's easier than ever to get stressed out and burned out. Thankfully, there are healthy time-tested means, like...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Educational classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Mindfulness Behavior  looks into who we are  being  in our day-to-day interactions in relation to our actions and how we show up, ensuring...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Educational classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Mindful Communication  looks into who we are  being  in our day-to-day interactions, including communication ethics to awareness of...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 90 minutes, Educational classes, Group classes, Virtual
Hello and welcome! My name is Charlene Correia and I am an Accredited Certified Health and Wellness Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute, ...