Care+Hub Services

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client, Client goes to Provider's Office
Qigong is a combination of gentle movement, breathwork, and meditation, you can cultivate Qi to tonify your organs, shore up your immune system, increase...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Virtual, Provider goes to Client, Client goes to Provider's Office

Reiki is a Japanese technique that restores the optimal flow of energy within our system by dissolving any blockages and promotes healing, relaxation, and stress reduction. Anyone can learn Reiki, whether it’s being used for personal healing or for healing others. 


Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30-minutes, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Adding Guided Group Meditation to your wellness program will help your associates manage their stress, increase productivity, and find peace of mind. Jerry...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30-minutes, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Similar to guided meditation, these sessions lead your team through different breathing techniques from the yoga tradition to create certain lasting effects...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30-minutes, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Practiced laying down on a yoga mat (or blanket), Jerry helps to reprogram the accumulation of tension in the physical body and stress of the mind. These...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30-minutes, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Limitations to yoga classes in the office include: 1) having space and 2) changing clothes. Jerry has adapted a style of yoga practice that allows...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Help your team experience greater clarity and wellbeing through breathwork. Session themes are centered on the needs of your group - relaxation, clarity,...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Group classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Adding yoga classes to your wellness program will help your team to unwind and manage stress, all while supporting their physical wellness. Jerry's careful...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Educational classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Unblocking Your Creativity explores the Creative Process from a philosophical and psychological lens, using both Eastern and Western models of...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Educational classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Based on the book  Essential Pranayama  this guided breathwork practice includes a breakdown of breathwork from the yogic perspective, taking into...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Educational classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
In our busy and distracting world, it's easier than ever to get stressed out and burned out. Thankfully, there are healthy time-tested means, like...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Educational classes, Virtual, Provider goes to Client
Mindfulness Behavior  looks into who we are  being  in our day-to-day interactions in relation to our actions and how we show up, ensuring...