Sarah Pyland

Hi, My name is Sarah Pyland. I’m originally from Washington state, but recently moved to California with my (handsome) husband. I’m an outdoor, travel, and health enthusiast. I’m a Certified Health Coach, and I’m continually improving my health, and my relationship with food, but I wasn’t always that way. Rewind 5 years, and I had hit a sort of “rough patch.” I was 20 pounds overweight, and had completely lost sight of my health goals. I grew up in a health conscience family, but after moving away from home for a period of time, I found myself feeling very lost. After moving back home, I realized it was time to get back in shape. I wanted to lose the weight I had gained, have more energy, but most importantly, feel confident in my own skin again. As I started along my journey… I realized I wanted to learn more about health, which is when I enrolled in school to become a Certified Health Coach. I learned so many valuable lessons.. lessons that go far beyond just what you eat, or how often you work out. I learned so much about myself, and about my body, and I’m so excited to pass these lessons on to you! Although I lead a very busy life, I am able to put into practice techniques that help with stress management, sleeping better, and a healthy mindset, that contribute greatly to my overall health. I am so excited to help you do the same!

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