**2 CLASS SPECIAL PACKAGE** - (1) The Power of Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition; (2) Living a Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle 101: Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition Classes 1 & 2

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Hello and welcome!

My name is Charlene Correia and I am an Accredited Certified Health and Wellness Coach with the Dr. Sears Wellness Institute,  Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition with T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell and have a Certification of Participation in Plant Pure Communities Plant-Based Clinical Nutrition. I have been teaching and health coaching throughout San Diego and virtually about the benefits of whole food plant-based nutrition for children to seniors. I work with Poway Adult School, San Diego Oasis and am an approved City Service Provider with San Diego. After discovering how whole food plant-based nutrition has a powerful, positive impact on personal health and the environment, I knew I had to share this information with others. A whole food plant-based lifestyle is the longest studied and most scientifically proven way to obtain optimal health. It can help improve your immune system, help you reach an optimal weight, help prevent Alzheimer's and Dementia and fight heart disease, diabetes type 2, and even cancers. Learning how to add more of these foods to your lifestyle every day - while still eating your favorites with just a few tasty substitutions - can lead you to a successful long-term health journey. In each of these classes offered, wherever each individual is on their journey,  I will share powerful information that we all need to be aware of, and make health simple and enjoyable. I have been whole food plant-based since 2014 and have never looked back! The plant-based world is growing, and people are healing. I look forward to sharing this health wave with you!

Class 1-The Power of Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition-Learn the powerful benefits of these foods and how to start easily start                        implementing into your daily life          

Class 2-Living a Whole Food Plant-Based Lifestyle 101-Learn how to prepare you kitchen, grocery shop, what to eat daily, how to dine                out, entertain, and more to maintain this healthy lifestyle.

Class 3-Plant-Powered Kids!-Learn how to raise healthy children through their lifetime with plant foods and building healthy habits                 early! We will explore the amazing benefits with essential nutrients, how to substitute kid's favorites, tips and tricks to eating             plant-based whole foods and more!

Each class is a little over an hour with time for questions at the end (1.5 hours total)

$200 per class


Background Check Verified ✅:
Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅:
Practitioner Certifications:
Certified in Plant-Based Nutrition with T. Colin Campbell Center for Nutrition Studies and eCornell, Certificate of Participation in PlantPure Communities Master Class in Plant-Based Clinical Nutrition, Accredited Certified Health and Wellness Coach with
Session Length:
90 minutes
Session Type offered:
  • Educational classes
  • Group classes
Virtual or In-Person:
  • Virtual


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