Care+Hub Services

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 60 minutes, Virtual
Reiki is a healing technique based on the principle that the therapist can channel energy into the patient through touch, activating the natural healing...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, Virtual
Reiki is an energy healing modality originating from Japan, where practitioners hands are placed just off the body to clear chakra energy centers Reiki...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 60 minutes, Virtual
Reiki is a powerful ancient Japanese healing technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing which will work on clearing,...

Hi, I'm Dr. Darlene, EdD., MA., MCHES, AFPA, a Master Certified Health Coach, an educator, a healthy living blogger, and a fitness aficionado. I enjoy...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 50 minutes, Virtual
I am looking forward to being your wellness coach. I will help you use the tools to accomplish your physical and emotional health goals.  Our sessions...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 12 sessions, Virtual
Basic Lifestyle Twelve 1:1 sessions (once per week). As your accountability coach, I will motivate and encourage you to stay on your chosen task. Also, I...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, Four weeks of coaching, Virtual
Foundational Lifestyle (Life Coaching Package) It is personalized to your lifestyle needs. This is for one-month virtual sessions. Four 1:1 Coaching...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 4 sessions, Virtual
Lifestyle Challenge Four 1:1 Coaching Sessions Four midweeks follow-up emails This package is a starter kit. Initiate the beginning phase of one of your...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 30 minutes, Virtual
One Time Expresso If you need instant help with a situation. This is a one time thirty minute session

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 60 minutes, Virtual
One Time Expresso If you need instant help with a situation. I am ready to support you. This is a  one-time sixty-minute session.

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 90 minutes, Virtual
One Time Expresso If you need instant help with a situation, relationship, or decision making. I am here to support you.  This is a one-time...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 1 hour, Virtual
Nicole offers nutrition and holistic health coaching- including better eating, exercise and weight loss support. She connects with people virtually, via...