Season Gorny

My journey as a Health Coach started when I discovered my passion for helping women reach their wellness goals. Like many women, I suffered from hormonal imbalances that left me with many different symptoms. These symptoms led me to seek medical advice from several different professionals. I was finally diagnosed with Endometriosis in 2015. After a successful surgery, my symptoms began to dissipate gradually. In order to keep my body healthy, I needed to change my diet, lifestyle and thoughts. Learning how to listen to my body, led me to begin something that I am passionate about… helping other women. From there I enrolled with IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition) to begin my career as a Certified Holistic Health Coach. As a graduate from IIN (Institute for Integrative Nutrition), I learned innovative health coaching skills and lifestyle management tools. I have studied over 100 dietary theories, modern health crisis, Bio-Individuality, Primary Food, Crowding Out, Deconstructing Cravings, Food/Mood Connection, Inflammation, Digestion and much more. In addition to IIN, I have also completed several Women’s Health Programs with Integrative Women’s Health Institute. Certified Personal Trainer - AAPTE

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