
Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 4 month program - 1 hour meetings twice a month, Virtual
4 Month program. We will meet twice a month for one hour and discuss: Diet, Movement, Gut Health, Relationships, Spirituality, Mindful Living. Also...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 4 month program - 1 hour meetings twice a month, Virtual
4 Month Program. We will meet twice a month for one hour and discuss: Diet, Intuitive Eating, Movement, Gut Health. Also includes: Recipes, Lifestyle...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, Virtual

I love to inspire positive change.
I don’t believe in diets.
I believe in living a balanced life.
I will meet you where you’re at.
I will ask questions.
I will hold you accountable. 
I will guide you towards manageable behavioral shifts.
You will come to understand and be given the tools to break the patterns that stand between the you where you are now and the you where you want to be.


Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, Virtual, Provider goes to Client, Client goes to Provider's Office
My passion is supporting all types (type 1, 1.5, 2 and gestational diabetes) of diabetics like you throughout various stages of life. Whether...

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅, 50 minutes, Educational classes, Virtual
Hello, I am Becky Smith, a Certified Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. Now more than ever due to Covid-19, a healthy immune system is of paramount...