Marie Barker

Welcome! I know from personal experience that food can live in a place in our lives in which we’re seeking comfort and connection. I have been working to better understand these relationships to develop strategies in which knowledge and preparation can empower our choices. Ultimately, we each want to live an abundant and fulfilling life. I want to help guide you towards tackling the next health goal along your journey. One of the great benefits to be the COO in the home is that you get to experiment with family meals, snack and activities! I have spent a good part of the last 18 plus years researching and implementing various food choices in my home. Along with this, I have explored various lifestyle & exercise choices and their impact on my own health as well as those nearest and dearest to me. My path to becoming a health coach is from a place of personal life experience. I have overcome past choices that weren’t always the best. The journey to this point has been step by step. Alas, I was also drawn to health coaching from my life as a daughter, wife and mother. I have seen aging parents’ lives change due to the impact of their lifestyle choices. My experience as a wife and being the main person in charge of meal preparation led me down the path to learning to adjust for adult onset food allergies & intolerance. Along with this, my role as a mother also led me to want to teach good healthful habits and behaviors to be carried on into adulthood. Above all, from my experiences and expanding my studies and gaining certification I want to help empower you. Level Up!

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