Joanna Gil

Hello there! I hope this post finds you well. I live in the hilly, green city of Fort Worth, Texas (the allergy capital of America) where I am currently expanding my online nutrition coaching business, working from home, and expanding my education to become an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC). Working 1:1 with clients is my passion and being able to leave a mark in someone's life, which they can pass down to the next generation, is a rewarding aspect of my career. I hold the belief that it takes just one person for the ripple effect to start, and knowing that I can pass down my knowledge to others is what wakes me up each morning. I am in love with both nutrition education and the breastfeeding world, which is why I decided, why not have the best of both worlds and also become a lactation consultant! Here I am now, training clinically to be able to provide the best care for mothers and babies, while at the same time, making my nutrition career come true by dedicating my spare time to embark with you on your journey and give you only the best of my knowledge, attention, and resources!

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