Ginger Schultz

Hi, my name is Ginger and I'm an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach. My passion is in nutrition and wellness. I want to empower people with the knowledge and motivation to make more nutritive food choices. Why? Because you can save money by decreasing your doctor visits with preventative care and increase your longevity. You can be in charge of your health by the choices you make on a daily basis. My motivation for greater wellness comes through educating myself about the body. I love to learn about what is happening in the body and what the body needs to thrive. One example would be food cravings can be the cravings of the microbes in your gut. Those little guys are in control of your body telling you what to eat. That alone right there gave me the motivation I needed to maintain a whole foods diet full of vegetables. The good microbes love these healthier choices. I have dealt with my own health issues over the years by changing how I eat, reducing stress, and exercising more. Issues for me have included reflux, indigestion, bloating, weight gain, post-viral fatigue, chronic fatigue syndrome and stress. These issues have given me the practice and knowledge I need to become healthier. Some activities I enjoy are hiking in nature, reading about personal development, enjoying a good meal with friends and spending time with my son.

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