Charlotte Matthews

HI THERE! I’M CHARLOTTE. AND YES, I AM A REAL PERSON. Sometimes these sites make everything seem so impersonal – I don’t want that for us. :) I live in Colorado with my husband and daughter*. It is truly my pleasure to make your acquaintance. My fitness journey began decades ago when, growing up, my mom (who is, in fact, also my hero) instilled in me the value of eating tasty, fresh, whole foods and moving our bodies whenever we can. We had a garden full of red, ripe tomatoes (BLT’s anyone?) and explored miles of bike trails each weekend. That’s not to say there wasn’t the occasional cheese ball, bagel bite or Chef Boyardee dinner. But, for the most part, we were a healthy family. Over the years, my love of sports (specifically swimming, tennis and more recently, running) pushed me to gain education in fitness, nutrition and spiritual practice, ever consuming and learning more about myself and how various approaches make me feel. I’ve experienced and experimented with all manner of approaches, from near starvation to overindulging a la the ancient Romans. (Spoiler alert: extremes never work!) In my life, I’ve found that true happiness is found in living a mostly balanced lifestyle, tuning in to what feels right: Stay active through built-in daily exercise, eat what tastes good and provides your body with adequate fuel and maybe most importantly, check in with yourself, your feelings, each and every day. It all sounds so simple, but humans are complex creatures. We self-sabotage, blame our shortcomings on lack of willpower and proceed to give up. But, there is a better way! Using proven behavioral change strategies, we’ll work together to develop an approach to health and fitness that works for you and your unique lifestyle. I’ll draw upon my education as a Certified Personal Trainer through the American Council on Exercise (ACE) and a candidate for ACE Certified Health Coach to design a personalized program that addresses your whole being for truly life-changing results. So, what do you say – are you ready to get started?

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