Cait James

About me:My Master of Science degree focused on the prevention and treatment of obesity, and for more than 20 years I have been helping people achieve nutrition and fitness goals through the creation of personalized, realistic and long term healthy lifestyle changes. I am also certified as a Nutrition Coach and Personal Trainer with the International Sports Sciences Association. In a clinical setting, I’ve counseled individuals, taught classes, and created programs to address child and adult weight management, including overseeing and facilitating a Medical Weight Management program for those with 100+ pounds to lose. I have also provided nutritional counseling and personal training in health clubs. I have personally maintained a 40 pound weight loss for over 20 years, and helping others to realize goals and feel better in everyday movement is my passion! I have specialties in weight management, pre- and postnatal nutrition and sports nutrition for a busy lifestyle. I strive to make a healthy lifestyle both realistic and achievable! If you pick up a Diabetes for Dummies cookbook, you will see my name on the cover of the 3rd and 4th editions. I tweaked and analyzed the nutrition content for recipes from renowned restaurants to make them healthier, and I do this for all of my home cooking as well as the kids’ healthy baking classes that I teach – ask me how to make your favorite recipes more nutritious! I have also enjoyed a largely gluten free diet for the past 15 years and delight in creating new meals to incorporate this lifestyle. I am a lifetime athlete with 3 young children, and personal experience dealing with diastasis recti (abdominal separation) from having twins – tell me if this is an issue for you! How can improved nutrition help you? • Provide greater energy • Increase capability to conquer everyday activities • Increase physical activity abilities • Effect a comfortable and healthy weight • Decrease risk of nutrition related diseases • Improve gut/microbiome comfort and overall quality of life My sessions include: • 60 minute virtual nutrition consultation • Energy needs calculations • Personalized meal plans based on these calculations and your preferences • Recipe enhancements (healthier and/or gluten free) • Grocery store shopping list • Goal setting and accountability • Weekly or bi-weekly follow-up and monitoring • Coverage of specialty diets as needed. (diabetic, renal, cardiac, Mediterranean, Keto, Celiac, etc.) • 24/7 availability via email Years of experience have taught me that tackling everything at once is overwhelming and difficult to maintain long-term. We will work together to reach one goal at a time and realize lasting change!

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