Brandon Beimborn

My goal as a Health Professional is to increase the knowledge of diet and exercise within the general population. Over the last two years, I have learned a lot about the human body teaching exercise physiology laboratory courses while earning my master’s degree in Exercise Science at California State University, Long Beach. This position helped enhance my understanding about human physiology by administering various exercise tests with my students. I have also improved on my ability to multitask, collaborate with various populations and troubleshoot various equipment when needed. Formulating my thesis helped me understand the steps it takes to create and perform human research. I was able to collect anthropometrics and blood through finger pricks. After performing a rigorous exercise protocol, these measurements were taken again for analysis. I analyzed the data to help distinguish significant findings. Through this process, I was able to understand the rigor of research. During my time in graduate school, I was able to intern as an exercise physiologist within a cardiac rehab setting. Working with cardiovascular disease patients opened my eyes to see how important exercise can be for all types of populations. Educating these individuals through my knowledge really helped emphasize the importance of exercise with all my patients. Seeing these individuals progress as they went through the rehab process was exhilarating. Services include: -Goal Setting -Cardiovascular Exercise Programs -Microcycle (Weekly) -Mesocycle (Monthly) -Macrocycle (3 months - 1 year depending on progress and goals) -Resistance Training Programs -Microcycle (Weekly) -Mesocycle (Monthly) -Macrocycle (3 months - 1 year depending on progress and goals) -Nutritional Recommendations -Food Logs -Daily Dietary Recommendations based on goals -Correcting Exercise Technique -24/7 email availability -Video Conference Availability -Weekly Progress Reports

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