Corporate Wellness Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition

Background Check Verified ✅, Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅
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Would you like to create a healthier, happier, and more productive workforce while saving on health care expenses? "The Power of Whole Food Plant-Based Nutrition" is a 100% science-based, cutting-edge educational webinar on how adding more plant-based whole foods to the diet every day can optimize both mental and physical health.

Healthcare is the 2nd largest expense for organizations. Chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes type 2, and cancer are what is driving health care claims to go up. Our mental health is also declining and needs to be nurtured during these challenging times.

80% of all chronic disease is preventable through proper nutrition and lifestyle. Personal choices and behaviors account for 40% of the key drivers to good health while medical care is only 10%. How we eat also effects how we think, function, and feel. A whole food plant-based lifestyle webinar can provide solutions and add many benefits for both the employees and the company.

•Lower health care expenses and other company expenses
•Increase productivity
•Decrease absenteeism
•Improve employee relations and morale

In this engaging 60-minute webinar employees will learn how to:
•Improve overall health and boost the immune system
•Improve mental clarity and mood
•Increase energy
•Reduce sick days and prescription needs
•Fight chronic diseases
•How to begin and continue this lifestyle in the office and at home

Whole food plant-based nutrition provides many of the unknown benefits we need to be healthy and productive individuals. I target personal choices and behaviors and provide solutions to not only lower health care expenses, but also to improve the health of both individual and the company. I offer long-term resources for continued success as well as ongoing one-on-one or group coaching.


Background Check Verified ✅:
Certifications/Credentials Checked ✅:
Session Length:
1 hour
Virtual or In-Person:
  • Virtual


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